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Streamline Course Management for Training Institutes

Transition to an integrated course management system that resolves the complexities of traditional course administration.

Ensure efficient learner enrollment, organized course distribution, and robust piracy controls, to deliver a streamlined educational experience.

a man in a suit and tie standing with his arms crossed

Why Training Institutes choose Learnyst

Facing Challenges in Training Management?
Start  your online business journey in simple, three-steps. Plan, encrypt, and sell your courses directly from your own branded app and website to transition into the digital economy and start earning.
A course material with a play button on it.
Overwhelmed by Administrative Overload?
Picture this: piles of paperwork, endless spreadsheets, and the tedious task of manually enrolling learners. Traditional training management often leads to an administrative nightmare.
An encrypted shield with lock on it
Struggling with Privacy and Customization?
Every organization is unique and demands a tailored learning environment. However, ensuring course privacy and custom course bundles for different clients can be a daunting task.
An encrypted shield with lock on it
Desire Better Oversight and Reporting?
In a world where data is king, it's crucial to have insightful reports. Yet, many training institutes struggle to track student progress and share performance data seamlessly.

Have any questions?

Explore the world of online teaching with Learnyst's free trial. Begin sculpting your ideas into engaging courses.

Free Trial

Get a taste of our basic features, enough to set the ball rolling for your online course creation.
Personalized Solutions for Modern-Day Challenges
Our platform is a comprehensive solution to ensure excellence in every aspect of your institute’s operations.
Gain Relief from recurring Administrative tasks
No more drowning in paperwork or juggling endless spreadsheets. Our platform automates the tedious task of manual enrollments and course packaging to shift your focus from mundane tasks to delivering remarkable educational experiences.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
Privacy and Customization Unleashed
Every organization deserves a unique learning environment. Learnyst provides privacy controls and segmented course packaging to help you tailor your courses with ease.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
Insightful Analytics and Reporting
Gone are the days of being in the dark for student progress data. Our platform enables you with clear oversight through sub-admin roles and delivers extensive reports with a simple click. Say hello to clear insightful data to guide your every move.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position